Saturday, December 20, 2008

Ken Starr: Are you F*ing Kidding Me

Well yesterday, Ken Starr - famed Dick Head for the never-ending Clinton Impeachment that cost theUnited States BILLIONS of dollars (hey - we could use some of that money right now - except he flushed it down the toilet) is now head of Pepperdine Law School. He submitted a brief to the California Supreme Court yesterday requiring all legal and valid marriages of faggots be invalidated.
PS - Not a great advertisement for "Christian values" is it really? (The picture is from their welcome page).
A nice perfectly valid, LEGAL marriage is now subject to the whims to that nincompoop's uncomfort.
Who would Jesus hate?
And by the way... here was what these assholes said when I was young (HONESTLY).
Fags are going to hell because they are immoral, promiscuous and don't conform to the norms of society.
Fine. Now we are both going to hell AND destroying the institution of marriage because we WANT to conform to the norms of society.
Hey Dick-heads, pick why you hate us and stick with it. And be fucking HONEST for a change. We all know the reason. Fags are icky. Fine - don't marry one and don't watch.
Lord knows I would go out of my way not to watch Ken Starr having sex. But I am perfectly comfortable letting his big, flabby, hairy, white ass go to town on whoever he wants.
By the way, thanks for the Christmas Present asshole. Nice way to celebrate the Brith of our Lord, who preached for love of his fellow men. “I know, I will give those icky fags the blessing of ripping apart the sacrament of marriage between two loving people and God.” And yeah, I was married by a MINISTER.
I think perhaps it is time for Scooter to give up the blog for a while.Nice.