Hell, if it just making things up, I can do that!
Today the New York Times posted and published some Republican hack bullshit about the fact that Obama didn't wear a coat in the first Oval Office meeting. And how the Capital "flew into a tizzy".
First, if that is all the Capital needs to go into a Tizzy, no wonder the pantywaists can't get anything done.
Second, it is spread by Republican party hacks who push lies like this, "Thus did an ironclad rule of the George W. Bush administration — coat and tie in the Oval Office at all times — fall by the wayside, only the first of many signs that a more informal culture is growing up in the White House under new management. Mr. Obama promised to bring change to Washington and he has — not just in substance, but in presidential style. "
And finally it is patently untrue. If you were dealing with a fully competent 6 year old you would call it a lie. And a stupid lie at that. But since we are dealing with Politicians we will just call it "untrue".
The picture above (from the Los Angeles Times) is George Tenant at the White House pushing the famously incorrect assumption about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq to the President in the Oval Office. By the way, George Tenant was the famous source of the quote that it was a "Slam Dunk"the Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction would be found. A lie - oops I mean "an untruth" that he was rewarded with a Presidential Medal of Freedom Award in 2004.
And, as I should have said before I wandered momentarily off track, unless he is wearing the Emperor's New Clothing line jacket it appears he is jacket-less. Apparently the neither the sight of George Tenant without a jacket or missing weapons of mass destruction threw the Capital into a "tizzy" before this.
What really bugs me is that this same hokey line was already peddled to CNN, who ran it as a story. Then it was proven false. And now, days later, it is reframed at the New York Times. It is a lie and it is sloppy.
I wrote the author who answered my letter. Sheryl Gay Stolberg stated that this story was indeed true and that the picture of George Tenant was proof only of an exception. Furthermore, she said that she had actually worked hard to verify this story. And so I will withdraw my calling of Bullshit. However, I stand by my comment that if this is what throws the capital into a "tizzy" we are all on a fast train to nowhere.