I do find it odd however that the Pope - a former Hitler Youth and German Army Member - would rehabilitate a holocaust denying Bishop who doesn't believe there were gas chambers. That seems odd.
I comment on it only because yesterday was the 65th anniversary of the Russians liberating Auschwitz. And the holocaust has become a cliche (and launching pad for a host of movies - some good some terrible) more than a memory. But we do kind of need to remember and keep on guard.
Just in terms of Jews (not to mention much smaller numbers of gypsies, homosexuals and political prisoners) 6,000,000 were gassed to death. How many is that?
It is like gassing the population of Mankato MN. And then again. And then again. For 180 times!
It is like gassing the population of Missoula MT 105 times.
It is like herding together the entire state of Wyoming and killing each and every one of them. Then stacking their bodies like firewood. And then doing it again, 11 more times.
That is a lot of dead people. And a lot for a Bishop to deny. It is a lot for anyone to deny. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad also denies the holocaust - but we think he is a kook and denounce him. Well he is a kook - so we are right there.
Oh well, like I said, not my table. But if the Pope wants to be known as more than ex-Hitler Youth, this isn't a good way to go about it.