Saturday, February 21, 2009

Heading home now

Well, one more stop in the Tokyo airport and now we are heading home.
Aside from the international to and from the flights, the flying within SE Asia has been remarkable smooth (knock wood).

In the most bizarre of cross national coincidents, last night Ed, Lynn and I meet Ed's fellow ex-housefellows Don (from Bangkok) and Thorpe (from Chicago) in a Thai night market and drank Lao and German beers.
I marvel at how lucky I have been and was struck by what a different life I lead than my grandparents (never mind their grandparents) ever thought of. Every time I get to see a little more of the world I feel richer in spirit and experience and I come home appreciating my life (country, home, friends, family, means and all) a little more.
Zela once told me that when her future husband said that they would live in California one day, he might have well as said China for all she knew about it. there is something wonderful about experiencing things so different from what you expect - be it monks in Laos or finding un-expected people in Missoula when I visited mom. Every now and then I remember that life sucks unless you decide to jump in with both feet and sometimes just say screw it. And when you do - magic (Sleepless in Seattle reference acknowledged, but it is true).