Joe (the Plumber) has a current gig today advising the Republican Conservative Working Group in Washington.
My first reaction was to laugh. But the more I think about this the more I think that it is, in theory, a good idea.
It is probably a great idea for working groups in Washington to get input from ordinary citizens. Now I don't think this is what they are doing. I think they are parading a man they assumed embarrassed Barack Obama during the campaign. They are playing to a Fox News base. But so what? The idea of real people addressing them is great.
But I think someone like Joe Wurzelbacher is better suited to talk to the Democrats. It is the Democrats are who need to hear his views. He is the epitome of those that the Democratic Party is not reaching.
Conversely, the Republicans need to get new ideas in. The Republicans lost ever key demographic EXCEPT white men. Talk to someone else! Get some different input from someone who isn't Joe the Plumber. You have his vote locked up!
As long as we only listen to views that support ours, our minds continue to close and we, as a country, drift further apart.