Friday, February 27, 2009

Republicans say quote "My Bad" ????

Really, "my bad"? That's how the Republicans are going to handle this. Here is the money quote.
“Tonight, we tell America that Republican values, conservative values, are right for America,” he said, admitting that the party has made some mistakes. “Tonight, we tell America: we know the past, we know we did wrong. My bad. But we go forward in appreciation of the values that brought us to this point.”
"My bad."
"My bad" is like when you thrown a stupid interception.
"My bad" is when you renege because you trumped wrong (I'm looking at you Feinberg)..
"My bad" is when an mom has 8 babies without a visible form of income or husband.
"My bad" is NOT an appropriate response when you take a huge surplus and turn it into a deficit. ... "My bad" is NOT an appropriate response when you remove oversight and watch Wall Street and the world banking system tank and a million Americans lose their jobs. ...."My bad" is NOT appropriate response to shredding the Constitution. .... "My bad" is NOT an appropriate response making the world believe that honerable American Servicemen torture human beings for fun and laughs.
You, Mr. Michael Steele, are a short-sighted, dumb ass that shouldn't be given a karaoke mike to "Sally-Sings", much less the national stage, you dip shit.
Oh wait. What I meant to say was that "I respectfully disagree with your comments."
My bad.