Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Run For Your Lives!! Flee!! Scury!!!

God I love the 24 hours cycle!!!
There are few things more fun to watch than 6 competing "All News - All the Time" stations with a brand new problem.  Of course Swine Flu hasn't hit Ana Nicole Smith death proportions yet, but give it time.  If a Hollywood celebrity gets Swine Flu all bets are off.
Speaking of that, don't you think the odious Ann Heche is out there right now, French kissing anyone she can in Mexico City in an effort to get the media to refocus on her career.  (cough cough)
Anywho, who knew all it took to get Mexico on the Front Pages was a contagious disease.  We ignored them when hundreds of Mexicans a month were being killed by drug trade (fueled by.. well you guessed it, Americans).  But hell, if American kids lose their God given right to Spring Break in Cancun and can't drink jello sots off the natives - IT'S NEWS!!!
ps - wash your hands