Thursday, July 23, 2009

Most AMAZING Corruption Case... Even for (wait for it)....New Jersey

So, if you have not heard about this case, you MUST see the video below. It was a New Jersey bust that got 3 1/2 Mayors (Hoboken, Secacus, Deal and the Assistant Mayor of Jersey City). It included Representatives in the New Jersey House and a ton of Rabbis.
The Rabbis (from the "can't-push-a-button-on-the-Sabbath" group) were laundering money through charities in Israel and they took 10% off the top (my relatives, the Mormons, call that tithing).
And, honest to god (little g), as well as this corruption, they stumbled on Rabbis who were buying kidneys from poor Israelis there for $10,000 and selling them here for $160,000. AND THAT ISN'T THE BIG STORY.
Really, an FBI guy said this was really really corrupt. Even for New Jersey (like there is a totally different level of corruption).

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