Sunday, March 28, 2010

Like a visitor that won't leave

Winter keeps leaving various things "accidentally" at the house, and returning.
He has become like that visitor that leaves, but knocks on the door ever 2 minutes to see if the other guests "really" have left.
You know, "Good-bye".... knock knock knock.
"Did I leave my car keys?" And you know he is just scouring around to see if any of the good Scotch is left or if your favorite Aunt Amy and Uncle Earl are staying to gossip about Uncle Winter.
"I'll just look in the kitchen", meaning "Did you put away all that cake for yourselves for tomorrow - we brought it for everyone!"
So, after a few good days, days in the 70's!, winter is back checking for car keys and Scotch. As my good friend Gavin used to say, "Well (tap tap tap), time to walk the dogs. Good-bye everyone - yes, you too Wally Winter."