
1) a lonely, uptight loser (disguised by the flawless body and blonde prettiness of the star who plays her) who has been recently dumped by a man;
2) an infantilized adult woman whose parents micromanage her life;
3) a ditzy girl-woman who knows how to wear sexy lingerie but not how to own her sexuality;
4) a competent working woman (she does something corporate that requires her to wear sleek, feminine office-wear) who gets flustered when asked to make an important presentation;
5) a stereotypical girly-girl who unhelpfully screams EEEEEEEEEEE!!! when she and her husband face danger and who demands answers to her questions at really inopportune times like when the couple are being shot at;
6) a woman who's too gullible;
7) a woman who's impractical;
8) a female character who chews noisily on junk food in the movie world's universal lazy symbol for unladylike behavior;
8) a woman who handles a firearm as if it were a snake;
9) a wife who requires ''managing'' by her husband;
10) a female character stapled together with every dispiriting, routinely accepted trait so popular and so soul-killing in the female characters we find in CARCs like Killers