Friday, July 02, 2010

Matt Bomer: Mascot of the Month

Matt Bomer is the Mascot of the Month. Not just because he is wet and cute as a bug in Entertainment Weekly. Although, he is that.

And not just because he is totally fun and good in "White Collar." Which starts season 2 this month on USA Network.

But because of this. This is Matt Bomer at the Trevor Project. Dustin Lance Black's words here, “The vast majority of these kids don’t know that there’s hope. Or that there's [events like] what we saw this past weekend here in New York, with a million people coming out to celebrate the LGBT community. First you listen to them and their struggles. Whether it’s reading Harvey [Milk]’s letters from 30 years ago or listening to these phone calls today, it’s all the same message: ‘I feel different.' What we're here to say is ‘You are different... and that’s fantastic! And there’s a beautiful life ahead of you.’ "

As for Matt, going to this is kind of a big deal for a new star. He is "non-committal" with regards to his Sexual Orientation, but he is gay. I mean, most everyone knows who wants to - he was out for a while before he got this job. Now he "declines to say" as he has a whole show riding on his shoulder's and much of it depends on his appeal. But he doesn't lie.

Anyway, I think showing at up at the Trevor Project AND presenting was great. I applaud him (and he is easy on the eyes).