Over and over by Washington politicians and the media, "lefties" have been tarred as unable to compromise and unable to ever be satisfied.
To which this leftie says, again and over again as long as your trite opinions are repeated, I call bullshit.
We can comprise easily. In fact, many of us (me, me, pick me!!) backed Hillary Clinton for President who was a consummate compromiser. And I backed her knowing full well what she was do and accomplish.
But Barack Obama promised more. He promised more than wishy-washy extensions of multiple wars against "terrorism" which have now spread across 2 continents and over 15 countries (story today - image below (click to expand)).
He promised more than Health Care that was a give away to insurance companies and drug manufactures.
So don't be mad because he pisses people off. He does NOT piss people off because we can't compromise - he pisses people off because he is a big fat liar.
He won't pick a fight to close Gitmo.
He won't stop - and in fact expands - Bush's secretive state.
He isn't a "fierce advocate" of gay rights - in fact faggots creep him out - let's be honest.
He is not the "Anti-Clinton", he is - in fact - Hillary Clinton with a less divisive spouse, fewer convictions and less cajones.
And that is a realist speaking, not a "leftie".
1. Maureen Dowd and Ann Coulter are the founding members of the Professional Bitch class of commentators. Michelle Maulkin is trying desperately to break into the club, but Ann and Maureen keep raising the bar.