For a moment - JUST A MOMENT - let's look at Iran's case FOR getting the bomb. Bear with me for a second. Let's say you are Iran. Look at the map.
2) Less than 1,000 miles away (about the distance from Los Angeles to Denver) are 5 Nuclear Powers that are NOT the US. Pakistan borders you. India, China, Russia and Israel are close.
3) You were on the original hit list (the "axis of evil") along with Iraq (US Occupied) and North Korea (Crazy - but left alone because of nuclear weapons). You have helped the US with the Taliban, but then were snubbed by a religion driven leader of a rogue nation. (Remember: we are looking at this from Iran's perspective and George Bush said it was The Lord's Plan to bring democracy to the region - that is why he launched the war in Iraq.)
Israel has already attacked your neighbors to maintain military superiority (Iraq and Syria) with no action from the international community.
Hell, of course you want a deterrent! As a matter of fact, if you move the map West 1,000 miles this was almost the same scenario that Israel faced when it decided to get nuclear weapons.
Logically there is no reason Iran would give up on it's quest for nuclear weapons. None.
Israel, Pakistan and India all pursued weapons for deterrents and got them.
There is no pleasing the United States. The United States backed Iraq against Iran in a war AND the mujaheddin in Afghanistan against the Soviets yet attacked and occupied those same countries and those same leaders less than 15 years later. Getting the bomb only makes sense - IF YOU LOOK AT IT FROM THEIR POINT OF VIEW.
I don't know what the answer is, but Obama and Robert Gibbs blithely talking up attacks on Iran is no way to stop their quest for a deterrent.