However, the whole "I want to regain my First Amendment Rights" thing that she talked about with Larry King (and some commentators have said after their NYC Muslim Community Center rants) is a little misguided.
One's "First Amendment Rights" prohibit the government from inhibiting free speech (or allowing others too inhibit it). But other people have the "first amendment" rights to disagree with you. Your "First Amendment Rights" don't negate other people first amendment rights. If you don't believe it, watch Fred Phelps who uses his rights to claim that fags are going to hell, and driving America to hell at every gay event he gets wind of.
Listen to the (first amendment protected) ratings of NOM - who spuriously claim gay marriage will somehow break into a storm of evil that will collapse straight marriages. The Free Speech rights even allow obvious lies to be told (calling an entire section of the city bull of Falafel Carts, 99cent stores and a Pic-N-Save "hallowed ground"). What it doesn't do is protect your speech from criticism.