
So Eddie and I had a rather surreal experience when taking the training to Boston a few weeks ago to meet up with friends in Provincetown.

Our friends flew from Los Angeles to Boston, so they were married the whole way.
On the other hand, Eddie and I took the train. It went from New York through Connecticut and Rhode Island before it got to Massachusetts.
Given the laws in these states we were:
Semi-Married (New York neither legal nor illegal)
Married (Connecticut)
Not Married (Rhode Island)
Married (Massachusetts)
Not Married (Rhode Island)
Married (Connecticut)
Semi-Married (New York neither legal nor illegal)
Marriage is a state of mind indeed!
We also had to be careful not to die in Rhode Island. They dislike us so much they have an EXTRA law that forbides gay spouses from claiming their partners body after death.
So if one of us dies in Rhode Island you're screwed, because plane fare to "Providence, RI" is a bitch from either Mankato OR Montana. :-).