Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Evolution: Not as Stupid as we sound

So there was a big report that something like 60% of Americans don't believe in Evolution. That is probably not really true.

Like everything else in America right now, the question "Do You Believe In Evolution" has loaded political overtones - otherwise they wouldn't ask the question in polling.
The question "do you believe in evolution" to many people doesn't mean, "Do you believe that animals, insects and other organisms physically change over time to respond to external conditions?" Most Americas would easily ascribe to that theory.
In America the question very often means to people, "Do you believe God created man (or are you an atheist)?" It has been framed this way by both sides.
The framing of the question is why we have such fights in schools over Evolution versus creationism. It is perfectly possible to believe in both God and Evolution, but it isn't usually framed in that manner.
So we are dumb, but not that dumb.