a long time ago...
Scooter had the bestest car in the world. A Blue CRX-HF (high fuel efficentcy) that once got 52 MPG from LA to Vegas (with a big ass tail wind - but still!). Oh sure, it had a tiny engine (1.0 L - really 1.0! less than a Harley) but it was tiny and light and fun fun fun to drive.

Of course, it got old and paid off. And Scooter, being young and dumb, decided to trade it in on something new and SUVier.

And Scooter regretted ever since.
And now.... NOW ... now that Scooter can't have wheels (for you kids in the audience that is old hipster speak for a cool car) - Honda has brought the CRX back. This time as a Hybrid and called it a CRZ -but it's a lie.
It is a CRX, updated to today's style and with a hybrid engine. And - although I can't have it (they ride close to the ground and it would get beat to death in New York- even if I could afford to garage it - which I can't) - so even though I don't really want one, I want it.
I don't actually want to have it here. There are no hairpin turns - no Hollywood Hills to drive - no Mullholland to play on - so no, I don't really want one.
But I want one.