I love the New York Times. It is one of the few papers in the country that still tries to cover the world - which I think is critical for people.
And, although it is highly partisan - actually more like knee jerk liberal than Democratic - it is usually fair.

But to claim (as they did) this isn't just process of elimination shows their endorsement process is a joke and should be a laughing stock.
The Times says "Despite several position books, Mr. Cuomo’s candidacy has been more skeletal than it should have been,... ". Let me explain what this means in real life. He hasn't given an in depth interview despite every single New York major media (TV and Newspaper) bending to talk to him on record "anyplace, anytime." He even joked about it with NBC news 2 days ago, offering up "next Thursday" only to laugh it off when the reporter said she would go anywhere to do the interview.
The Times says, "We endorse him with the hope that he would be a bolder and more forthright governor than he has been a candidate. New York cannot afford anything like the scandal, gamesmanship and weakness that have marked the governor’s office in the past four years. " Wha..??? Endorse him on hope!?!
Finally - the kicker in came about 1/3 of the way in - and I will be honest this is where I stopped reading. Because this is my problem with Junior - and this is what the NY Times is, at least in part, basing it's endorsement on, "He knows about the sinkholes and mudslides of Albany from the experience of his father, former Gov. Mario Cuomo. " If I am not mistaken, that thought process is EXACTLY the same justification as North Korea's Kim Jong Il passing power on to his son.