Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Is it just me or does anyone else think this whole hoopla over the Chinese Stealth Fighter was built up by our Military Contractors

 Now I know it might be too late to take heed, but before we all get our panties in a bunch about this so-called Chinese Stealth Fighter... let's all take a deep breath if possible.

 So far, all we know is that it looks like a "Stealth" fighter.  It's loud as hell and no one knows if it's stealthy (apparently we knew when it took its first test flight, which doesn't seem "stealthy" to me).

So before we all go nuts, lets look at actual military spending.
We spend oodles more than anyone else at this war shit.  Like more than the top 14 military spenders COMBINED.
We spend a shit load more than China.  And, while they are "A Number 1" at final assembly on the cheap, that doesn't mean they can design an iPhone - much less reverse engineer a Stealth Plane based on one crashed.
So what could be behind this panic.  Who continually puts it in the news.
I dare say the Pentagon has the most to gain from the Stealth Plane hijinks (followed closely by the military contractors of the newest Jet Fighter which is in danger of being scraped).
But why, why would they want to build up the Chinese fighter reputation.
Because they at risk of having their budgets cut.  Look how much of our spending goes to the military.  More than "Health Care" (which is = Medicaid & Prescription Drug support), and by "Responses to Poverty" (Social Security) combined.  You want to balance the budget, you look at that.  You can't balance shit cutting
Foreign Aid (less than 1.5% of the budget INCLUDING all the embassy personnel around the world).

So for the first time in over a decade, Military Spending might get the axe.  And, low and behold, China has a new Stealth fighter.  Coincidence?