Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Regal E-Walk Theaters

This week-end, Eddie and I went to see 2 movies.  "Unknown" and "The Eagle".
Forgetting about how good or bad they were (easy to forget with Unknown, which wasn't bad, just forgettable), the Theater name always gets to me.  You see we saw Unknown at the AMC and we saw "The Eagle" across the street at the Regal E-Walk.
Think about that... E-Walk?  What the hell does that mean.  It was named back when internet things were still called "e-" (e-Cards, e-Mail, e-Cash, etc), before Apple made the ubiquitous i names (iPhone, iPad, iPod, iBook).  But there is no Electronic Walking at the E-Walk.  An E-Movie Theater would be one that you don't go to - you see it on the computer or at home.  Netflix is like E-Movies.  As for E-Walking - virtual tours of galleries or something would be E-Walking.
You know what E-Walk is.  Ewok spelled wrong.