Friday, April 08, 2011

Yesterday, in England...

Yesterday in England, our fair hair'ed boy visited Whisley with Jane.  Whisley is the Royal gardens (which is like the National Botanical Gardens when you're country is propping up Royalty).
Anywho, Jane explained that in the winter these stalks turn bright colors after the leaves fall off from the summer.
But, she also explained, it is only new stalks that turn this color so they cut them right the way down come spring (that is how she said it, it is such a British saying "right the way down" - we've say "Cut them all back" - or even "chop the hell out of them".
Anyway, Ed and Jane went yesterday to the Gardens (as I said, it apparently is already Spring in England - as New York suffers through below freezing mornings for T-Bone's walk).  And turns out .. well here they are, right the way down.