This is the LEAD story in AP?!?! An old, criminally accused French man in New York went to the doctor's office? Are you shitting me?
AND - not in the AP
MSNBC has a story (A WHOLE STORY!) on the possible boxing match between known pugilists Janelle (famous from "Teen Mom" for being an underage mother with anger issues) vs. Danielle Staub (famous for being a blackmailing, accused prostitute from "Real Housewives of New Jersey"). I would chalk this up to a publicist's wet dream except on is MTV and the other is NBC/Bravo, which means it is either; maybe a real thought or multiple publicists' wet dream.
In any case, along with Grimsvotn Volcano, the Japanese Tsunami & Meltdown, and Tornado in Joplin, maybe the world really is ending. Danielle and Janelle on TV in a cage match is the 3rd sign of the Apocalypse, isn't it (rival nations shall come blows in the holy land - or something like that).