Basically this company has converted a warehouse into a "hotel" / forest / graveyard / suite / Private Eye's Office / Ballroom kind of maze. You enter in groups staggered and wander around following people as they get ready to attend a ball - once the Ball starts, you follow different characters.
It is a little like the old Murder Theater thing that was in LA, but this is basically the story of Macbeth, set in the LA of Film Noire. It was great. It would have been better if I remembered Macbeth better.
.Honestly, the last time I saw Macbeth was when I was in school at the Ahmanson Theater with Charlton Heston - like 35 years ago.
It was really fun - but it was less a cohesive show and rather an amazing series of great scenes from Noire Macbeth. All scenes were done wordlessly. I think if I remembered more of Macbeth (or read the whole entry in Wikipedia), I would have gotten a little more out of it.
I think I want to go again.