Sunday, June 26, 2011

Coast South of Cape Town

 So, I am in London, awaiting my flight to New York - and I realize a small problem - it is Gay Pride Day - the day after Gay Marriage wins.  There is no way I am getting cross town.
Oh well.
This is the coast south of Cape Town.  All the other pictures are on real cameras I haven't downloaded yet  - this was on my iPhone. And yes, it looks amazingly like Highway 1 in Sunny California.
The Safari was tons of fun.  There were 2 amazing moments which I will share with pictures later, but right now you just have to imagine.
First, we followed a female leopard through the bush as she marked her territory with scent.  I was kind of amazed on who we annoyed her, but didn't scare her away.  And I was surprised as we drove through the bush, going over the occasional bush and small tree.  But it was amazing!
Second, one afternoon we watched a herd of elephants eating  on our right.  We turned off the car, and they continued to munch away, including 2 young elephants and a very young calf.  Well, they walked and ate, and at one point surrounded the rover.  So we were literally sitting amoungst all these feeding elephants - who obviously kept an eye on us, but none the less seemed unfazed by our being there.
Great day!