Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I would love to slag this off as idiotic, but if goes bad I will be well and truly pissed off

In the Prop 8 trial - which is trying to find the constitutionality of the anti-gay marriage proposition in California - the litigants have filed late that the Judge himself was gay and should have disqualified himself.  They found out this Republican appointed Judge (appointed by President Reagan by the way), confirmed it after he retired.
He didn't try to get this case, he was the senior Judge of the District when it came to him.
In their arguments, the whiners did concede that an African American Judge is capable of ruling on civil rights, a woman is capable of ruling on women's rights, but a single gay Judge doesn't have the capability to rule on the constitutionality of gay marriage in California.
These same people have argued that gay marriage will hurt traditional marriage, so, one must assume, that a married person (straight or gay) couldn't rule on it either.  Neither could one contemplating marriage.  So we are left with trying to find a eunuch I suppose.
You see, we gay people are so obsessed with hurting traditional marriage, that even a long, distinguished career in private law practice and an unblemished Judicial background - all of this is some sleeper cell plan we put in place under Ronald Reagan to destroy traditional marriage.  But you caught us.  Dang it.  No toaster for you Judge Walker.
By the way, if we were that devious, wouldn't he have just lied to the question after he left the bench?