Wednesday, June 01, 2011

We are in the mist of an interesting experiment

We are in the mist of an interesting - if terrible - experiment with regards to history repeating itself.  Not perfectly, but way too close for comfort.
You see in the "great depression" America recovered a little for a few years, but then we focussed on debt and many of the government stimulus projects were cut back -  we quickly plunged further into a deeper depression.  One we didn't get out of until World War 2 (when  deficits exploded!).
Many people are arguing for the same "medicine" now, cut spending, reduce the deficit and the economy will take care of itself.  Personally, I think it is hooey that this will solve our problems, but I have no doubt that many intelligent people disagree and think this is the right course.
Republicans have spent decades tarnishing the opinions of "elites" (cigarettes don't cause cancer, evolution isn't real, Global Climate change is not a result of people, sex education isn't useful). So their attempts to have the grown-ups warn us - even if they are business expert Republicans - are falling on deaf ears.
As the stimulus money is running out, our economy is already slowing way way down (like a plane about to stall).  It will be interesting to see if our inability to learn from the past bites us in the ass.  And, if so, how Fox News will spin it.
It would be more fascinating and less scary if it didn't effect the lives of real people, but what can you do?  Politicians playing games with our lives is nothing new.  I also think a lot of Republicans think that if they can tank the economy just enough, they can get rid of Obama AND inherit a recovery.  Dicey proposition...