Thursday, July 21, 2011

And now, from the files of "Duh: Investigations of Obvious Man!" - scene 27

Really. This is a headline.
Ummm.  I never would have though.  Let's think....

- Global Climate change drowns Bangladesh and pushes seawater into the water table of a vastly overpopulated country (population 162,000,000 - size, a little smaller than Iowa).
- So far 5 + island nations are threatened and only 1 has immigrant status (New Zealand has opened up to Tuvalu).
- Droughts have ruined crops in Russia, China and the American Southwest, pushing up th eprice of food causes riots in Africa, the Caribbean and Asia.
- Food costs were a primary driver in the "Arab Spring" revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt
- Both Mid-East Countries (oil rich) and China (export rich) are buying acreage in Africa and South East Asia to grow food for their populations, while denying it to the farmers working the fields
- Freshwater access is pulling NAFTA apart over access
And this is off the top of my pointy little head.  So I gotta say, little fucking late for this "warning".