Thursday, August 18, 2011

Ahhh.. Perry is always good for a laugh. UPDATED; SNAP Says a Republican

That's using the old noddle.
Ah Rick Perry.. just when the day is getting me down, he is always good for a giggle.  Today he is attacking Science again (good-God the Republicans HATE science!).  This time it is Global Climate Change.  He thinks it's all a big lie so that Scientists can have "money rolling into their projects".
Hum...WTF?  Scientists aren't rolling in money - Climate Change or not.  No one becomes a Scientist for riches. (Maybe he has them confused with Scientologists).
You want to get rich?  ...Donate to Rick Perry.
Now I think uou can reasonably and intelligently argue that the cost of battling Climate Change isn't worth the price.  Fair enough.  But you can't just say Science doesn't support it.  Any more than you can say Airplanes can't stay in the air.  It's science, not voodoo.

.Rick Perry told an audience in New Hampshire Wednesday that scientists have “manipulated data” about climate change “so that they will have dollars rolling into their projects.” The accusation came in response to a question from a Republican who said he worried the rejection of climate-change data “calls into question…America’s status as an advanced technological society." Earlier, Perry had said programs to battle climate change are costing the United States “billions, if not trillions” of dollars. Without specifying what he meant, he went on to say, "I don't think, from my perspective, that I want America to be engaged in spending that much money on what is still a scientific theory that hasn't been proven, and from my
perspective is more and more being put into question."
August 18, 2011 6:24 AM

Updated by Scott Mitchell.  I LOVE this question as noted to by LA Times.

One of his questioners was Jim Rubens, a Republican from the village of Etna who works as a   consultant for the Union of Concerned Scientists. Rubens prefaced his question by reading statements from Perry's book "Fed Up!" that global warming is "a contrived phony mess that is falling apart under its own weight."

If both "observed scientific data" and the National Academy of Sciences are wrong on the issue, Rubens asked Perry, "doesn't that call into question the entire science discovery process that is the basis for America's status as an advanced technological society?"

"You may have a point there," Perry quipped, adding that he believed the issue had become politicized. Without citing any specific examples, the Texas governor charged that "there are a substantial number of scientists who have manipulated data so that they will have dollars rolling into their projects."

His opinions put him at odds with the vast majority of experts.