Thursday, September 22, 2011

One thing I find just vile, at least here in New York

I am positive it is a combination of proximity & density (too many idle young men floating between the Papaya Dog, the $0.99 Pizza and the Port Authority) and a hip hop culture that sees no problem is calling women bitches and whores (ho's) and lack of someone to smack them leads to behavior that is one of the truly vile things about living in New York.  The way men - and not just young men - in this city anonymously speak at women is .. well it's past disgusting.
Of course the situation feeds itself with women on TV screaming at women and calling them names that I am offended by.  And, when I have seen women interviewed about this, they seem alright with other women being called bitches - because they aren't the bitches - they other bitch is.
My father had a lot of bad habits, but more than once when I was growing up he would step in a admonish a youth who he caught cat-calling someone.  But those days are long past - at least in New York.  Groups of men, often with a few women hanging out with them, will hoot and proposition women in the most disgusting ways possible.  Graphically, loudly and often.
Sure, in the old days there were jokes, always with guys at construction sites whistling at women.  But these guys are just on the street, inches away from women using language that is just offensive.  And they aren't ashamed of their behavior.  When I was dating girls in LA, this was one of the things you had to confront - but it has gotten so prevalent in New York confronting it would be a full time job, and dangerous to your health.
And it happens right in front of the police, who ignore the obvious discomfort of the women most times.
I occasionally hate this city.