Friday, October 07, 2011

I am unclear on why this is "Class Warfare"

I am totally unclear on how the rag-tag group of protesters is waging "class warfare".

When America bailed out Wall Street it wasn't "class warfare", so why is asking them to pay the same tax rate as the rest of us "class warfare"?
Here you have a powerless, screwed over and frustrated group of people basically complaining.  No one is listening to them.  No one is doing anything for them.  They aren't causing any problems, except to give Eric Cantor angina.  And Eric Cantor gets the hives anytime he has to face the little people so that isn't news.
"Mobs!"  You know what would disperse them? Jobs would, you self-important jackenape.  But you are too busy telling the rich donors you are afraid of the "mobs" to vote an a Jobs bill.