Wednesday, October 12, 2011

World Peace.

These "debates" have fallen into a rough pattern.
The "debates" are a test of the politician's ability to turn any and all questions to their personal talking points.  Herman Cain and Mitt Romney seem to have multiple talking points.  Michelle Bachman is all Obamacare, all the time.  Ron Paul is all Crazy-Fed all the time.  Newt Gingrinch is 100% about proving he is smart and smarmy (it must be a more enviable trait than I imagine).  Rick Perry just tries to prove he's not an idiot (he is failing).  Jon Huntsman and Rick Santorium can't find an angle at all.
There is no debate as I understand the word.  And this is a both Republican and Democratic issue - Dem's just don't have a race this year.
If this is going to be the level of debate, let's just move to the Evening Gown and Talent portion of the competition.