Monday, November 14, 2011

Please do the needful

When working with Indians, they have some expressions I really like.  I think they are very polite ways of requesting things.
Please do the needful.  This means that it isn't the person's job, but someone can / should do it.  So they have forwarded it on.  Instead of the casual America English, "Can you please pick this up."  Or the snarky, "I think you might have missed this".   You get a polite request without judgement.
Please revert.  This means I need you to follow up and let me know what the outcome is.  Again the casual American for this is more clumsy on email, "Can you take a look at this, and let me know what the outcome is."  or "Please investigate and keep me in the loop".  Or the vaguely authoritarian, "Please update me when you have resolved this."  Instead you get the simple message that is value free.\
They aren't American English, but they are easily recognizable.  In fact, Please Revert, is beginning to find its way into business American English because it is so value free.