Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Read it for the articles - Really!

I am a fan of Lady Gaga's music.  I am not, however, A FAN!!!!
And so I say to you, do not read this month's Vanity Fair for the Lady Gag article.  It might be fine or great or whatever, I haven't read it.
But there are some amazing articles in Vanity Fair - a plethora of intelligent discussions. In order....
Nobel Economist (and former World Bank President) Joseph Stiglitz writes a simple and fascinating article about our current economic situation, how it does and does not relate to the Great Depression, and how we might extricate ourselves.  (Page 35)
Kurt Andersen writes a deceptively innocent article on the lack of stylistic changes in the last 20 years, vs any other 20 year period in America.  It is easy, quick and interesting. (page 40)
Todd Purdum revisits Kennan and Eisenhower's fear of America's Military Industrial complex via Kennan's papers - and is surprised not by where we are, but by how accurately George Kennan (architect of our Soviet Containment policy) warned and predicted it (page 74).  I admit, it is this article that sucked me in as I am a massive admirer of George Kennan's life and work.
There are lesser, but still interesting articles on Rick Perry (page 62) and Christopher Hitchen's journey into cancer recovery (page 90).
Seriously - I was enraptured with this magazine this week.  And probably actually looked at it only because it was so small compared to normal.