Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Where I would like to go next: # 1 (2011)

So, I love to travel, and  this was a big big year.  Trips to Iceland and South Africa were the headlines - and we are on our way to England and Barcelona this month.
And I love that.  I can't wait to see friends and spend time in Barcelona - a new adventure!
And yet, my wandering eye always casts about for the next trip.  Not because I am unappreciative of what I have, but because day-dreaming is fun.  So here is kind of my "next list" top five (not in any order).
#1 Dubrovnik Croatia.
Why and where?  Well Wikipedia has details, but for me some of the most amazing things are an ancient walled city ruled for hundreds of years by a Venice-like Republic.  It was also home to Jews fleeing Spain and Portugal from the Inquisition. it seems to have survived the Napoleonic Wars and the World Wars relatively unscathed.
It looks beautiful and full of history.