First, Niall
Ferguson, a British historian and writer I love. Civilization was a
great book, and a TV Series in England (coming to PBS this year). Really,
I tend to respect his ideas.
But he has a wild hair that we should attack Iran. Why?
Because they might get a nuclear weapon (like Pakistan, North
Korea, Israel, God-less Commie countries and Iraq-almost-supposedly). He
is part of the crowd that calls that a quick attack on Iran will be painless
and easy. That the Iranians will be thrilled to overthrow their country
(any of this sound vaguely familiar?).
And he is jumping on a bandwagon filled with the kind of wild
ass projections that said we were going to be greeted in Iraq with flowers and
Stop it! No country likes seeing their country
attacked. And Israel's increasingly shrill screams have more to do with
defeating Obama and any real problem (read the Israeli papers or listen to
their generals). Niall's
Article in Newsweek / Daily Beast.
Then there is
Karen Handel, the Komen Foundation ex-VP who says that Planned Parenthood is a
That's right, Planned Parenthood - the punching bag of the
right wing, provider of health care to millions of low income women, often the
ONLY provider of health care services (particularly when Obama caves to the
screaming Bishops as he will soon) - THEY are bullies.
Because the Susan Komen Foundation, who hired a Tea-Party,
Gubernatorial-Losing-Candidate as a Policy VP, they couldn't NEVER have a
political agenda. (cough-bullshit-cough)
See, depriving low income women of free breast exams - well
that wasn't political. I kind of believe her when she says it wasn't
"political" because she is a Republican; and they believe that poor
people shouldn't have access to medicine (we can all go back to the
Republican debates where the crowd lustily cheered the "hypothetical"
death of the uninsured). But for non-Republicans - letting poor people
get sick and die IS political.
Here is the idiot's quote: “The idea that anyone would suggest Komen had a political agenda is absurd,” Handel told The Daily Beast. “Komen is a breast-cancer organization—that’s what it does.” Instead, she accused Planned Parenthood of making the matter political, saying the group had “unleashed Armageddon” by launching a social-media firestorm. “Planned Parenthood is a gigantic bully, using Komen as its own personal punching bag,” she said.