So I received this in the mail yesterday.
Now, I love Entertainment Weekly. Yes, it is mind-numbing trash, but if you have read about how my mind works, you will realized, I need a little mind-numbing every now and then.
But this is.. well to me.. it is physically a little revolting. Like a big glass of Gin and Warm Milk.
(Again to me) it read as a picture of two people who seem to loath what they are doing. Kristin Stewart and RPattz (I use that because he hates it) look like they hate being in the movie, they hate being in the photo shoot and they hate each other. (To her credit, Kristin Stewart does seem to love the dress.)
One hears that they (minus the child - who looks like she might be acting) are bumping uglies. If so, these two are the best hiders of any natural attraction IN THE WORLD.
Joey Tribiani once said, if there is passion on-stage, then no passion off-stage. If that is true, RPattz and Betty-the-Pouter must be having the rock-star-sex.