Friday, November 16, 2012

Fascinating Maps of Sea Level Rise v Population of 10 cities

After Hurricane Sandy, there has been renewed interest in Sea Level rise and population.  One of the interesting articles is on Data Pointed (LINK).

The author maps 10 US cities in population to height above Sea Level - indicating what a Sea Level rise might mean.  And yes, he discusses that they might not rise at all or that a few warm summers in a row and the Greenland ices plops off and raises everything 25 feet. (Above is (left to right) Miami, New Orleans, Tampa.
Cities that have it bad... New Orleans (of course) Boston, Tampa, Miami and San Jose.  New York doesn't have it to easy either (mainly in New Jersey).
LA blue is high ground (25 feet +)

It is also amazing to see LA.  In the mid-lower right is the border of Orange County and LA almost at sea level - the big brown square.  This, by the by, is where I went to High School - which is why it was so easy to bike to the beach after school!  I rode my bike down the San Gabriel River.
Yes, that San Gabriel River.
The River with a LOT of water in it.
There was a path on the top, but all the cool kids rode on the bottom and up and down the sides.  You had to watch for surprise inlets (like the on in the mid-distance on the left) where the wall just stopped with no warning.
Ah youth.