See, I don't think she believes much of the crap she says. So it doesn't bug me.
This is where we go to the big leap. What if Karl Rove is a Democrat?
Stay with me. I am not saying that Turd Blossom didn't love him some George W., but what if - like Ken Mehlmen - he now regrets his crappy ways? How best to serve the opposition?
Well, he raised massive amounts of money during both the John McCain and Mitt Romney campaigns. "American Crossroads" alone raised and spent almost $500,000,000.00 (five hundred million) in the 2010 campaign. They lost the Presidency and all but 1 of the nine Senate Races they backed.
People have said, "You couldn't get worse returns if you tried!" But Karl Rove is smart, maybe he was trying to get those returns! How better to help the Democrats, than infiltrate the Republicans from inside. He is like the perfect double agent.
Gay marriage?
Without Karl's kamikaze attacks in 2004 the issue would never have been defined as something that was right to do. It wasn't until Karl demonized fags - but people actually know gay people that aren't disgusting child molesting freaks. So it backfired in the long run.... or did it? Was it Turd Blossom's plot all along that a backlash would sooner or later develop? After all, his Lieutenant as Republican Party Chair was Ken Mehlmen, who is (wait for it) gay and is now working for gay marriage!
Every time someone popped up during the Republican Primary - Herman Cain, Michelle Bachman, Rick Santorum - Karl was there on Fox running them own saying that the only one that could beat Obama was Mitt Romney. MITT ROMNEY - the man with a car elevator!
And, at the end of the night, he even made Fox and the Romney campaign silly by broadcasting on air (at FOX NEWS no less) that Ohio wasn't really over... They hadn't really lost... It was all still going to turn... Even today he says that people voting in higher than expected numbers somehow amounted to voter suppression.
Maybe the Turd Blossom really does smell that sweet?