Saturday, December 15, 2012

Time For Tough Talk

Another large scale public shooting brings the same result over and over again.  Smart people say that assault weapons should be banned - other smart people say that if someone (a teacher, shop keeper, etc.) should have had a weapon to stop them.  Now, neither group thinks the other group is actually "smart", but that isn't here or there.
I guess the point of this is to say, it doesn't matter.  It is like cursing at the wind, it might make you feel better, but it won't change anything.
CNN's Splash Page - Nothing is going to change.

The lobbyists, who drive laws in Washington, hate gun control laws.  Not only that, they prosper on the threat of gun control laws.  So, even though the President has never proposed a gun control law, they use every shooting to drive opposition to a possible law  and flex the possibility to get people to buy more guns.
And they do buy more guns - and note that President Obama is getting ready to take away people's right to semi-automatic weapons.  Which he isn't, but gun makers and sellers prosper off that threat.  And those same people donate to radio and TV shows that sell that threat.
Corporates may have the right of free speech now, and the Supreme Court is going to decide it they have the right of freedom of religion (so that Corporations don't have to give health care with access to birth control if it is "against their moral beliefs" - because 5 crazy old fucks on the supreme court somehow believe that corporations have "moral beliefs").  But the truth is you can't shoot a kill a Corporation - but they can profit from killing others.  So no, the laws aren't going to change.
Don't fight it.  It will only frustrate you. (Don't try to teach a pig to sing, it annoys the pig and frustrates you - always think of this when trying to understand why Congress won't pass a law that helps the people).
And yes, I do know that once, ONCE, we passed an assault weapons ban.  But only after Saint Reagan the Tax Cutter was shot.  And once that was forgotten, the ban lapsed.  And the Supreme Court has decided cities can't pass their own laws on this (it must be at the state level - except on federal grounds where it is at the National level).  And, did you know, you can take an automatic weapon into a National Park now?  I mean, I feel safer in Yosemite just thinking about it.
And, in case you want to know what kind of "sports rifles" the NRA is protecting.  This .223 assault rifle was used in the murder of children in Connecticut.