Thursday, January 31, 2013

No water for 12 hours then a water fountain name, Really?

Well that was just a ton of fun - bleh.
Actually the "procedure", I don't remember.  The prework wasn't  bad (despite most people saying it tasted awful- I don't think they drink much juiced Kale).  The doctor was fine and I don't remember anything after the anesthesia kicked in.  But I have a headache now which must be due to the anesthesia, because it isn't a migraine and I can't kick the head ache with a nap.
I won't go into detail out of respect to Don :-).  But they took out 1 polyp and I get to wait a week to find out if it is benign or deadly. I also got a little talk-back from my doc saying to eat more fiber.
Good news, I have a pass for 3 more years - butt scope free!