So, I am done. Two days and out. Here is the poop-ski, and some answers to questions.
First, of course I knew more answers than I got. The hardest thing about the game is getting to answer a question. What happens is that Alex reads it, and you can't buzz in until he is done. Once ALEX finishes reading the clue, a Jeopardy employee across the room "unlocks" the buzzers (they are clickers, but lets not be padantic). Only then can you buzz in. If you are too early, then you get a 1/4 second penalty, which locks you out effectively.
Does the returning champ have an edge? Only in the fact that s/he has figured out the timing of unlocking the buzzers better.
Are the buzzers all the same and do they work? Yes. They check them at every break in the action.
That NASA person had a category NASA acronyms, was that fair? Fair, yes. But very unlucky for us. The categories are determined by a group not in the studio who don't know the contestants. The 2 groups (contestent wranglers and clue team) are kept separate and don't talk. By the same token, I had movies to Broadway musicals - although I couldn't get clicked in for the life of me.
Is Alex nice? Yes, charming. It's a job, so he doesn't get overly invested in us (I wasn't invited out for cocktails), but he is very nice.
Do you know the score during the game? Not really. The scores can be seen by us over to the left of the board, but honestly, you are so busy you don't every look at the score until it's a break or you have to bet on a Double Jeopardy clue
Why did the girl bet $0 in your first game? Well, she wins either way. For me to tie here, I have to bet it all AND get the answer right. If she bets anything and is wrong, she risks losing the game. If she bets zero, the worst she does is tie.
Do you ever go blank? The hardest categories are the ones you should know. I blanked in Geography (and said Bissau Guinea, when i know it is Guinea Bissau every day of the week!) I hear that Lit majors often do the same thing.
Why did you bet so much in Double Jeopardy on World History? Because I was losing badly. I wanted to get back into the game and I took a shot, hoping I would know it. I did not.
You looked good, gauze? No, a lite touch of HD makeup to everyone on the show (and the tiniest amount of Botox 3 weeks earlier).
Did you really drop a girl on national TV? Yes, and where ever you are Cheryl, I apologize.