Friday, March 01, 2013

Right Headline : Wrong Reason

The Daily Beast has an article about Why the stock market doesn't care about the sequester, with some unique and comforting answers.  "Answers" that are both correct and meaningless.

Their answers are things like; TARP funds aren't needed anymore.  The government has lost the capacity to shock the stock market and the market is made up of individual stocks.  Which is an answer like "Argo won Best Picture" or "It didn't snow in New York this week."  That is, Correct as a statement - but not related to the question poised.
The Stock Market doesn't care for the same reason most people in Washington don't care.  It won't effect them.  Their kids go to private schools, they have health care, their families aren't in the military.  They have already divorced themselves from the good of the nation.  Most (numerically) of corporations' workers and building class are already low wage workers in third world countries, the more the United States moves in that direction the easier to bring jobs back to the states.  They don't care that Apple iPads were made by wage slaves locked in dormitories, or Nike Shoes were made by 6 year olds with dexterous fingers.  What makes you think they give a shit about Aunt Dot in Buena Park?
And why don't our elected representatives care?  Because those same people cheering on Wall Street are the ones that paid to get them elected.  Between Sheldon Anderson and the Koch Brothers, over $100 Million dollars was spent to buy these guys seats (there is just as much money on the Democratic side here, don't get me wrong).  One hundred million.  $100,000,000.00.  And that wasn't what they made - that is what they spent, just last year alone to get their guys elected.  Three men spent that much money. And that $100 Million has already been recouped in a booming stock market.
The big donors have the government they paid for.  They don't care if the country goes in the shitter, just like they didn't care Detroit or Allentown or Orange County went Bankrupt.  Sequester schumquester.  They don't share the problems of most Americans - and they have to money and the marketing to keep the us dummies arguing about little things.