As of Monday I lose my eccentricity.
1. One that deviates markedly from an established norm, especially a person of odd or unconventional behavior.
I start work again on Monday. I suppose, I am happy to once again be an upstanding member of society. Drone-ish devotion to the 9to5 MtoF schedule that rules the world. Something worthwhile that pays me a very nice wage and hopefully challenges me.
And yet, I question. Have you seen "Holiday" with Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn? If so, then you understand my trepidation. But I am not Cary Grant and my Katherine Hepburn doesn't travel coach. And so, I will do this again.
If you haven't seen it, it is stupid to explain. It makes one sound infantile.
Once more into the breach, as they say.
Not everyone makes it to the other side, I hope I do.
I fear my ambivalence is showing. I shall adjust my attitude.