Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Abigail Thernstrom: Dumb as a box of air OR Guttersnipe?

So CNN had a "opinion" piece today by one Abigail Thernstrom.  It is such unbelievable dreck that one must question CNN's motives in printing it.
Let me quote part of it....

"If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon," the president said when asked about the case in the Rose Garden on March 23, 2012, after many had called for Zimmerman's arrest but several weeks before he was charged. "When I think about this boy, I think about my own kids."

In fact, if the president had a son, he would have been born to extraordinary privilege and raised with all the advantages of two very affluent and highly educated parents. He would have gone to tony private schools. His path in life would have been almost as dissimilar from Trayvon's as one could imagine.
Abigail Thernstrom

Yes, Obama's hypothetical son and Trayvon would have shared the same brown skin color. Would that have made them interchangeable? Not unless all brown-skinned boys are the same. Does the president really believe that?

The president's remarks created a clear impression that he was motivated by one of two factors, and we can only guess as to which, or what combination of the two, was at work here. One possibility is that this is merely another manifestation of the president's well-known narcissism: No matter what the situation may be, it's all about him.

The other, more troubling possibility is that the president surrendered to his political instincts. He wants disadvantaged Americans to believe that he and his family are one of them -- despite their life of unparalleled privilege -- and he wanted the prosecutors, judge and jury to believe that this was a case about race where justice demanded a guilty verdict.
I fully admit, emphasis mine.  But let me give Ms. Thernstrom one other factor he might have been motivated by.  He is a parent of kids approximately Trayvon's age.  MAYBE, just MAYBE he was motivated as a parent.  As to the "clear impression", you show a remarkable lack of intellectual curiosity here, Ms. Thernstrom.
Following her logic, I see only two possible reasons that Ms. Thernstrom sees things in this black and white view.  Either she is a disgusting and stupid racist who doesn't see a President, only a black man she can belittle or a craven opportunist desiring to use the tragic death of an innocent 17 year old to boost her readership.  So which is it, Abby?
See Ms. Thernstrom, limiting your options to two choices is arbitrary and shows a lack of any type of empathy.