Friday, September 20, 2013

Remember when...

I'm going to trot out my "remember when" card now.  Anyone under the age of 25 can just tun out.
Chayote - cut thin and roast with chili
Remember when the grocery clerks knew what they were ringing up.  I am not even talking about pre-barcode scanners.  Even with barcodes, they knew what produce was what.
Sure, you had the occasional woman on register 4 hold up something rarely purchased to the head checkout woman - but she would call back "Chayote Squash" and the woman would look in the book and find it.  It would often start a conversation....
"Chayote Squash?  How do you cook that."
And life took a little more day to day interaction.
Apparently that was too much interaction and slowed down the line (but how much, really, the cashier knew what a chayote squash was next time!)
Now they have helpfully labeled individual pieces of fruit.  Because, apparently, the difference between a golden delicious and red is too hard to spot.  And yes, they are normally the same price per pound.
Good grief.