Thursday, November 21, 2013

Like It Makes Any Difference

So, can I say I like this?  Sure, Republicans will bitch and whine and say "we'll do the same thing later."  But they would have done this anyway (let's all remember that Bush's Tax Cuts passed with Dick Cheney the deciding vote after they refused to allow a fillibuster).  You can still talk as long as you want.  That's in the Constitution.
And Republicans have been extra dickish since they put a Black Man in the White House - (I ain't saying it's racist - but it's racist).  Hell they filibustered the Secretary of Defense an ex-REPUBLICAN Senator.
It's nice to see the Democrats get a spine for a moment.
 (I was going to say find their balls or sac up - but the Ladies of California moved on this, so the expression would have been incorrect - we need a new phrase.  Let's say Dianne Feinstein finally decided Americans were as important as the Chinese Businessmen her husbands services.  No that's a bit rude.)