Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Really: Don't kids babysit or have little brothers or sisters anymore?

So The Huffington Post has a remarkably interesting post about being a new mom.  Most of the information is sweet / useful / touchy feely.  You know, "depend on friends", "don't worry that your body looks like hell", "yes, it does hurt, but that's okay" and the ever helpful advice to "learn to ignore advice".
But my favorite gem is this...
5. Speaking of bullshit, oh mylanta, the poop. They warn you. They tell you. And despite every warning, it is still baffling and alarming and downright awe-inspiring how much of your next year is going to be spent dealing with, assessing, smelling for, washing off, evaluating, discussing, logging and transporting poop. Get good and comfy with poop, friends. The poop cometh. For whom the poop tolls. The hunt for poop-tober -- you get the idea.
Okay, is she actually surprised about this?  How?
Did she never babysit an infant?  Did she have no little brothers or sisters?  Was she just an unhelpful spoiled brat, now ready to impart her advice to us from on high?
You think it's bad now, missy, you should have seen when we had to wash all those poopie diapers out in the toilet and bleach them to high heaven!  Thank your pampers you live in a world where throwing away the icky poop is the worst of your worries.