So it is worldwide. not just a US problem. Apparently this is a world-wide phoneme, not just the US. The whole "Rules are for Other people" is reflected everywhere.
In this case, a wife and a British husband moved to Iceland from France, and don't like the rules about kid's names. Iceland, like Germany and Italy, have laws about acceptable names. But this couple doesn't like the rule.
For years, Iceland has issued a passport with their names as Boy and Girl. But it has been long enough for them to get a new passport and Iceland says, get an Icelandic approved name.
The parents whinge about this. So Iceland says (in, what I think, is a perfectly reasonable response), pick and Icelandic middle name. Just add it so we can issue a passport.
But no, the parents say "it is too late for that". Instead, they complain to the media that (and yes, a quote here) "They have deprived our daughter of freedom of movement, ".
Good Grief.