Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Depression is a Harsh Mistress

Robin Williams battled depression - and apparently lost (STORY)
I understand it.  My Maternal Grandfather was a Manic Depressive (back before it was called bi-polar) and struggled with it.  I have it in spades, luckily, I have a great doctor and no big stigma against talking about it.
I mean, when you grow up gay, and you ultimately talk about that, everything else is pretty easy - even the depression.  So, it doesn't bug me that I suffer through bouts of depression.  I am built along the lines of my grandfather, a Bi-Polar Manic Depressive.  My medicine keeps me on an even keel - but it is work.
And so I am more frustrated and annoyed rather than sad at Robin William's death.  Not because I don't understand, but because I understand too easily.  It is sad a great talent has passed away.
But it is frustrating and annoying and scary that he couldn't fight it and win. I get it, depression is a bitch.  It sneaks up when you don't realize it and grabs you.  It can be triggered by a harsh word, a random event that triggers it for only you, for me it can be triggered by too much pasta or pizza.
So I know it sits out there, like the Cheshire Cat, appearing and disappearing at unexpected times.  Often only visible to me.  I am lucky, I have a husband that cares massively and understands it.
Maybe it is because I understand it myself and have warned him.  Maybe it is because he was a house fellow and took training. But for what ever reason, I am lucky.  And I am tough.
And I annoyed Robin Williams couldn't be.
And scared.