So those of you that avoid the news at all costs - and I understand why you would, might not have heard this tidbit. Russia has invaded Ukraine.
Don't get me wrong, not a big invasion, a small invasion. But an invasion none the less. Ukraine has Russian Military POWs. There is fighting.
What is interesting is Putin's way of slowly upping this conflict. I think he totally understands that Westerners (US, Western Europe and others) have the attention span of a gnat. He sneaks in a little to the rebels. Then a little more. Then he gets caught, talks ("negotiates") until we lose interest and then does more.
It is like we all learned the lesson from blitzkrieg to stand up to quick moves, but don't understand the slow game.
Oh well, we ignore this at our own peril. The Russians have spoken openly about saving ethnic Russians not only Ukraine but in the Baltics. And the Baltics are in NATO. Which means we are obliged to go to war for them.
We might not. We might hang them out to dry. But I doubt it. However, if Putin is trying to test us, this is the way to do it. Him, his military and his German enablers.